What We Provide

Practice Level

Next Wave is proud of its track record of providing value to our clients: better treatment outcomes, higher staff satisfaction, lower costs, and improved revenues - many times all four.

  • Support for Reimbursement, Payment, and Quality System Implementation (Providers, Clinicians, Government, Payors, Facilities)

  • Hospital value and bundled payment strategies

  • Skilled Nursing Facility value and bundled payment strategies

  • Long Term Service and Support Configuration Strategies

  • Malpractice Risk Assessment

  • Health System Due Diligence Support for Attorneys

Policy Level

Next Wave is proud of its track record implementation of our suggestions and recommendations for system refinements by national and state legislators, regulators, payors, and report card developers.

  • Evaluation & Education Support for Development and Refinement of Payment and Quality Measures

  • Measurement Concepts, Legislation, Regulations, Roll-Out, and Oversight

  • Evaluate Appropriateness of Hospital DRG Payment Category changes

  • Refinements to ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM and effective Use of Administrative Data

  • Evaluate Appropriateness of Medicare RUGs categories for Current Medicaid Population

  • Evaluate alternative payment models and bundled payment proposals and implementation

  • Prepare Formal Policy and Technical Evaluations to Support Client Issues

Resources and Tools

Next Wave is proud of its ability to use information to measure or estimatesignificant components of the issues we address.  This evidence-based decision making makes our recommendations valid and consistent.

  • National/State/Local Benchmarking,  Data Expertise, and Custom Dashboards Information, Management, and Decision Support/Education

  • Incorporating population health data with clinical health delivery data

  • Incorporating information from other sectors (transportation, education, housing, etc.) with health data.