Local Payment Reform White Papers

We are finally in a period of rapid change from a volume-based payment system to one focused on quality and value – and centered on the patient, their family, and Community. The roots of this effort are not new, drivers for change and barriers have been known for decades.  One example is the serious Community-wide planning that began in 1995 for New York State’s Capital Region (comprising the towns and counties around Albany, New York).


This paper was developed by the multi-stakeholder Task Force on Managed Care, which was sponsored by the Institute for the Advancement of Health Care Management of the State University of New York at Albany (SUNYA). The Task Force met to identify issues and recommendations for a Risk Model for payment. The Task Force was comprised of a cross section of the community, including physicians, health provider executives, consumers and advocates for the disabled, regulators, payers, trade organizations, and consultants. Periodic meetings were held to define the scope of this concept paper, to obtain education on managed care issues, and to work through various drafts of materials.  Next Wave staff led the effort to organize these varied inputs into a framework to focus understanding and implementation actions and present findings back to the Community.